WHEN 18. - 19.2. 2006
WHERE Prague - SOKOL VINOHRADY (map) Riegrovy sady (as usualy)
WHY Frisbee Ultimate Tournament
HOW MUCH 100 Euro team fee, 15 Euro player fee. Payment for at least 7 players is required, even if team participates with fewer players. Team fee to be paid by wire transfer in advance, details will be sent to participating teams. Fees include: 2 breakfast, accomodation in the gym, water, Ultimate, great hospitality especially in the country side.
WHO 12 teams from Europe
HOW 2 pools with 6 teams each (Pool A - Saturday morning games, Pool B - Saturday afternoon games)
ACCOMODATION in your own sleeping bags in the gym complex
FOOD 2 breakfasts (included in the tournament fee), bagetts available
DRINKS it's called a frisBEERcup !!!
CHECK-IN friday from 10 pm to Saturday 8 am
END sunday at approx. 6 pm
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